Saying, This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law. 说,这个人劝人不按着律法敬拜神。
Contrary to appearances, the law's main tenets are unlikely to be abandoned completely. 相反,此项法案的基本原则看来不会被彻底丢弃。
Be contrary to the law, rules, etc 违反法律、规则等
Where there exists content in the company's articles of association which is contrary to any law or administrative regulations, the company registration authority has the power to require the company to make relevant amendments. 公司章程有违反法律、行政法规的内容的,公司登记机关有权要求公司作相应修改。
His action is contrary to the law. 他的行为违反了法律。
It is contrary to antimonopoly law, so Microsoft has superior in right time and right place. 因此客观上讲,微软占有天时地利的优势。
If the contractor or its subcontractor performs any part of the contract contrary to the law, the Contractor shall bear any additional costs of the contract and any other consequences resulting from said violation and correction thereof. 若承包商或其分包商执行合同的任何部分时违反了法律,承包商应承担本合同的所有额外费用,且应对上述违法行为导致的其他后果及改正负责。
Contrary to conscience or morality or law. 与良心、道德和法律相反。
It's rational to abolish the death penalty because it is contrary to the moral law. 死刑缺乏其存在的道德合法性的基础,其废除符合理性的要求;
The firm had let through several advertisers "that source their prescription drugs from various locations outside of the United States* which is contrary to US law," according to the letter from the National Association of boards of pharmacy. 美国国家药房联合会协会(nationalassociationofboardsofpharmacy)表示,该公司放行了一些“非法从美国以外地区采购的药品”广告。
That which is contrary to the principles of justice or law. 与正义的原则或法律相反的行为。
Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions or the Plan shall be construed as requiring the commission of any act contrary to law. 不能将这些条款和条件或本计划书内的内容解释可允许任何违法行为。
Some politicians, especially in Britain, grumbled that the Irish move may be contrary to European Union competition law. 有些政界人士(特别是英国的)抱怨说,爱尔兰政府的举动可能违反欧盟竞争法。
Contrary to or forbidden by law. 与法律相反或被法律禁止的。
For sittest thou to judge me according to the law, and contrary to the law commandest me to be struck? 天主将要打击你;你坐下审判我,应按照法律,你竟违反法律,下令打我吗?
Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall: for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law? 保罗对他说、这粉饰的墙、神要打你。坐堂为的是按律法审问我、竟违背律法、咐人打我么。
If the people's court which has been requested to execute an arbitration award finds that the arbitration award is contrary to law, it shall have the right to refuse the execution. 受申请的人民法院发现仲裁裁决违法的,有权不予执行。
The New Rule has bigger progress contrary to the law and rule before, our civil evidence concept must change correspondingly. 与此前的立法与司法解释相比,证据新《规定》有了较大的发展,我们的民事证据理念也应当有相应的转变。
The author holds that, as the successor of the thought of classification, teaching in accordance with the students aptitude is contrary to the fair law of modern education theory; 所以,木文认为:因材施教原则继承的分类思想与教育公平理论之间存在冲突;
The Chinese current work personal rights system is contrary to the stipulation of the law essence cosmos requirement in many aspects, such as classified design of right, the powers and functions content of right, the powers and functions shift of right, and etc. 我国现行著作人身权制度在权利的分类设计、权利的权能内容、权利的权能移转等方面存在着诸多有悖法律本体秩序要求的规定。
This seems to be contrary to the principle that countervailing law is not applicable to non-market economies countries. 这看起来是有违这些国家对非市场经济国家不适用反补贴法的国内法原则。
It will be simple from the conceptual fabrications, contrary to Natural Law, "Sci-Fi Product" distinction. 从概念上将它与单纯臆造、违背自然科学规律的科幻产品的区分开。
It is beyond legal provisions. Since the statutes are created by men through discussions, it is inevitable that legal provisions may be contrary to humanities and taxation law may be inequitable and unjust. 它超越法律条文,因为法条是人造的、是人讨论出来的,所以法律规定难免违反人性,税法难免「不公不义」。
Teachers should remind students to eliminate unrealistic, contrary to the objective law of fantasy in their articles. 要提醒学生注意在虚构性写作中杜绝不切实际的、违背客观规律的空想。
Cross-listed stock spreads means that "the same shares same rights but different price", which is clearly contrary to" the law of one price "for the field of finance. 交叉上市公司股票价差意味着同股同权不同价,这显然违背了金融学领域的一价定律。
Its impact on traditional ethics is what people cannot accept, first of all, it is contrary to natural law, and secondly, it deviates from social norms and codes of conduct, finally, it subverts the traditional family ethical values. 它对于传统伦理的冲击是人们所不能接受的,首先、违背自然法则,其次、它偏离社会规范与行为准则,最后、颠覆了传统的家庭伦理观念。
Two, the crime of causing traffic casualties do not exist in the common crime. This paper argues that, after the traffic accident, abetting who instigate people escape behavior, as negligent crime as an accomplice is contrary to our criminal law theory. 本文认为,交通事故发生后,教唆人指使行为人逃逸的行为,作为过失犯罪的共犯论处是违背我国有关刑法理论的。
For the irrational, and even the phenomenon of illegal VIP service not only harm the interests of ordinary customers, but also challenges the social order, good customs, and may even be contrary to law, necessary to be regulated. 对于不合理、甚至非法的VIP服务现象不仅损害了普通客户的利益,而且挑战了社会公共秩序,善良风俗,甚至有可能与法律相抵触,有必要加以规制。
Misreading "which the" light of contemporary art, this misunderstanding is widespread misreading of the drawbacks of limiting the freedom of artistic creation, contrary to the law of the process of development of the arts. 其中对当代绘画中的光线产生了误读,这种误读现象普遍存在,误读的弊端限制了艺术创作的自由性,违背了艺术发展的进程规律。
But at the same time, restorative justice implies the following uncertainties: ignore the spiritual needs of victims; deviation from the "criminal legal"; contrary to equality before the law; discretionary rate is difficult to control. 但同时,恢复性司法隐含着以下不稳定因素:忽视被害人的精神需求;偏离刑事法定;有违法律面前人人平等;裁量幅度难以掌控。